Intresting news and facts

Intresting facts in world

The theater starts with the hanger, and the site starts with the main page and the text on it. Many site owners are aware of this, try to follow the recommendations of search engines and fill their resource with useful information.

But then one gets the impression that what to write about on the main page of the site is a secret sealed with seven seals. How else to explain the presence of all kinds of "Welcome, you have come to the company's website", "We are glad to welcome you to the website of the online store" and canvases of texts along with them? And no, we are not making it up, the amount of such content is still off scale, although it is high time to get rid of it and write for people. Therefore, we will not think for a long time and say, come up with a greeting yourself, the one that you like best.

About me


Malby - a girl of medium height, with thin, somewhat feline eyes with thick upper eyelashes, somewhat longer and more pronounced, sticking out on the sides, yellow irises. Hair straight and reaching to the waist, usually in a ponytail with two strands framing the face, hair color is pale gray.


Malby can develop telekinesis ability up to 100 percent after drinking tea. The better the tea she drinks, the more the ability increases.

Additional facts:

So, Malby, that is me, sometimes refers to myself in the third person. She is a member of an organization that claims that the Earth is flat. Sometimes talks to the wall and loves tea!

Malby lives on some planet in the Milky Way galaxy

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